Announcing Code + Brews: kick-off event


Announcing Code + Brews: kick-off event
An inclusive, informal, co-working session for Milwaukee's developer community.

Milwaukee, WI - CODE + BREWS: kick-off event will be taking place, Saturday, March 9th. CODE + BREWS is an inclusive, informal, co-working session for Milwaukee's developer community. People of all skill levels are invited. The concept is simple, bring a laptop and ideas, we'll provide the coffee and tea (in the morning) or beer for future gatherings in the evenings. Skills Pipeline is a proud sponsor of the CODE + BREWS event series!

Here is how it will work:

  1. At 9:15 everyone introduces themselves and briefly describes what brought them to CODE + BREWS today (projects, homework, networking, etc).

  2. For the rest of the day, folks work in the communal space on their projects providing one another help and conversation as needed. Oh and they usually drink coffee and tea too!

Michael Cordio